Underwater photography

Welcome To Underwater Photography

Underwater photography,又稱水下攝影水底攝影潛水攝影,是利用水下攝影攝像設備,在SnorkelingandSCUBA DIVING中,對水下景觀、水下生物或潛水者進行拍攝。每年,在世界多個地區有相關的水下攝影比賽舉辦。 水下攝影器材有兩種類型,一種是本身採防水設計的照相機,通常會標示防水防塵等級(Ingress Protection Rating)及最大水深。另一種是一般的相機加裝防水殼、防水袋或防水套。 防水殼的防水深度通常在40米或60米,也有達75米甚至100米以上的。除了專用防水殼以外,水下攝影設備水下閃光燈、照明燈和配套的電纜,專業設備還配有多種型號的廣角、變焦和微距鏡頭罩。專業攝影師通常使用廣角鏡頭來拍攝景觀、人物或大型海洋生物,而用微距鏡頭來拍攝尺寸微小的海洋生物。

Underwater photography introductory

Become a Diver

The first step to getting into underwater photography is of course to become a diver and learn the basics of scuba diving. Enter another new world of underwater photography.

Perfect buoyancy

When you become a diver, it is recommended that you do not rush into underwater photography first, you must first control your neutral buoyancy to the perfect buoyancy, so that you can be suspended in the ocean world, as much as possible to take pictures.

Water Camera Equipment

Of course you can also use sports photography equipment to record your dive. Alternatively, you can use a DC or a monocular camera, but first you need a waterproof case for your camera. You can also use a monocular camera to record your dives once you have mastered the art of underwater photography.

Become a Diver

The first step to getting into underwater photography is of course to become a diver and learn the basics of scuba diving. Enter another new world of underwater photography.

Perfect buoyancy

When you become a diver, it is recommended that you do not rush into underwater photography first, you must first control your neutral buoyancy to the perfect buoyancy, so that you can be suspended in the ocean world, as much as possible to take pictures.

Water Camera Equipment

Of course you can also use sports photography equipment to record your dive. Alternatively, you can use a DC or a monocular camera, but first you need a waterproof case for your camera. You can also use a monocular camera to record your dives once you have mastered the art of underwater photography.

Overview of Water Camera Equipment

  • The most accessible sports camera with high CP value - Mountain Dog SJ4000, affordable and suitable for recording diving and making good memories.
  • GOPRO is also a high-definition sports camera often used by divers, and has been upgraded from HERO4 to HERO5 and HERO6, which is the advanced version for divers.
  • Since the launch of the TG3, Olympus has been the first choice for affordable DC macro underwater cameras. Now upgraded to TG4 and TG5, it is lightweight and easy to carry, and is a great tool for macro photography.
  • Single Vision - All major brands of cameras, but check beforehand if there is a dedicated underwater waterproof case available.
  • Monocular - All major brands of cameras, but check beforehand for a dedicated underwater waterproof case.