2022 Kenting Summer Boat Dive


2022墾丁夏日船潛 墾丁船潛活動-食住潛樂我們全包了 活動一  2天1夜船潛4支 費用:物超所值、超高CP值,趕緊揪團手刀洽詢線上客服 ✪只要您持有任何系統OW(含OW以上)都可參加。超過6個月以上未持續潛水,請先參加 …


2020 LSD-191 Diving Tour Nitrox Diving


Diving Tour, Activity Eligibility: two boats diving in the morning - Zhongzheng Ship, must have advanced + Nitrox license (using Nitrox diving, no Nitrox license can be on-site lessons, the cost of another). Activity number and cost: maximum 10 participants.

2018 Diving Tour Prologue

2018 潛水旅遊序幕

2018 Diving Tour Prologue,Kenting,Little Liuqiu,Green Island,Orchid Island,Diving Tour. 2018 Diving Tour Prologue has begun! Dear students and dive buddies! Please choose the trip you want to join the most! We will arrange the itinerary and activity details immediately after the voting is over! Join LINE@Life Circle, you can participate in the voting of 2018 Diving Travel Kickoff!